Bell Ninja

Meet the Legendary Space-Time Ninja Bulldogs


Diego N.

Donated $50, that's 7.66 x 10^20 copper atoms, to keep the site afloat for the 2023-2027 school year!
Some of this money will also go toward a non-profit click-to-deploy peer-tutoring site that serves everything from schools to orphanages families! Thank you Diego!!

Evan G.

Donated $21, that's 14.39 pounds in US copper coins, to keep the site afloat for the 2022 school year! Thank you Evan!


Donated $-1; Chronic gaslighter and dictator of Scientology National Honor Society

Ms. Morales

Donated $+100000000 in emotional damage

Jack/Jie Tao

The most Legendary Space-Time Ninja Bulldog, the GOAT and creator of this website (note: this edit was not made by Jack)